
And French! The joy of the Sack Back

Afternoon tea Elizabeth?

And French! The joy of the Sack Back
Poppies Cottage is a small and exclusive ‘virtual’ department store, selling antique clothes and textiles. You are invited to browse at length, without the aching feet!
With more than a taste of the past, the store will take you back to the shopping experience of Victorian days, from whence the department store concept first evolved, and where clothing and accessories were individually tailored for the Lady, Gentleman, Baby and Home!
Buy here, and your purchase
will be unique!
Poppies Cottage sells antique and vintage gowns, jackets, skirts & accessories for the Lady; antique & vintage waistcoats, court suits, shoes & hats for the Gentleman; dresses, coats, bonnets, christening gowns for the Baby of the family, and much more!
For the Period home we also sell embroideries and lace, covers and storage. Finally, for the craftsperson we have a superb haberdashery department full of antique, period fabrics, lace & sewing accessories.
Poppies Cottage goes back in time….
The Roaring 20’s …. The Great War …. The Elegance of Edwardian …. 1850’s-1901 (The mourning years of Queen Victoria) …. The Early Victorians, before sewing machines were even thought of! …. The regal Regency period in which Napoleon ‘ruled’ over silks & cotton …. 1714-1830: The long Georgian era, from George I to George IV …. 1702-1714: Queen Anne, the last of the Stuarts, and the first to rule over Great Britain ... And back & back …..
Come in, explore and enjoy!
You can also find Poppies Cottage on eBay. This store has a different range of items on sale.