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Glorious grape vines! Romantic flounced mantle of tamboured muslin

Glorious grape vines! Romantic flounced mantle of tamboured muslin

The Mary Ireland collection - see Blog

The tambouring is tiny and this large piece is beautifully hand sewn. Here is a fine, muslin mantle, absolutely drenched in grape vines!

With two layers of deep flouncing all around the edges, each flounce having the most lovely graduated edging, this seems to be straight from the 'Romantic era' of the 1830's. However, if we look at the long, narrow collar in a deep v-shape, I feel it is probably more early to mid 1840's, to follow the design of the early Victorian neckline.

No doubt about the purpose though - pure luxury and frivolity!

You can see a silk version of a flounced mantle on page 180 of Nancy Bradfield's 'Costume in Detail, 1730-1930'. See Links & Research for full reference.


    The condition is very good with the muslin being a beautiful pale creamy white. A few very subtle and small repairs are of very little consequence.

    There are a few strange little marks - almost more like dye run from a dress than a stain. However, the photo's also show one small but bright stain that is more likely to be from food. The vast amount of muslin drowns it out, but muslin pieces like this can always be soaked in cold water ro remove most marks. I just didn't want to do it because I dread the ironing afterwards!

    A beautiful thing in very good antique condition.


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